
 Casa / Solutii

Summer is coming and it's gnats alert!

The proper car cleaning is extremely important: it preserves the paintwork and it gives a better picture. Keep clean both the interior and exterior surfaces of the car is not a foregone operation.It w... Citeste mai mult

Air conditioning system. STOP to bad smells!

1 hour and a half a day ... 22 days a year ... 7 years in a lifetime ... This is the time we pass in our car! Over time, the formation of micro-organisms in the air conditioning filter can cause unple... Citeste mai mult

Have you thought about the problems caused by the low temperatures?

First colds put every day at risk operators in the carwash industry that have to work in critical conditions, low temperatures cause malfunctions to the cars, often reducing their performance and caus... Citeste mai mult

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