Air conditioning system. STOP to bad smells!

 Casa / Stiri / Air conditioning system. STOP to bad smells!

The solution against germs and bacteria

1 hour and a half a day ... 22 days a year ... 7 years in a lifetime ... This is the time we pass in our car! Over time, the formation of micro-organisms in the air conditioning filter can cause unpleasant odours and the creation of an unhealthy environment inside a vehicle. Combat this problem with PURE AIR SPRAY, the sanitising deodorant ideal for the removal of germs and bacteria and the sanitisation of vehicle air conditioning systems. Pure Air leaves behind a pleasant clean scent in the vehicle, ensuring maximum hygiene within cars, campers, caravans, trucks, coaches etc. It is quick and easy to use, particularly recommended for use in spring, before the period of reactivation of the system.



Start the vehicle engine and activate the air conditioning, selecting the highest fan speed and the air recycle function. Check that the windows are closed, place the can upright on the passenger side mat, and firmly press the self-locking spray button. Get out of the vehicle, close the door and wait for the can to empty. Wait a further 10/15 minutes, then open the vehicle, paying attention not to smoke or use naked flames. Switch off the air conditioning and the engine, and leave the vehicle to air for 10 minutes.


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